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Monday, April 23, 2007

the last supper

Today I spent some time with Meredith over a Cinnamon Dolce Latte. I enjoy talking with her about life and her plans for the future and college life! She will be studying in Russia next year!

I also spent one last piece of time with Emily (and Morgan) this afternoon. She is a fabulous friend and I enjoy talking over the cares of life with her. I always come away with a fresh perspective on things when I leave her!

I certainly did not expect much of a send off, but Dave and Mary arranged a good-bye dinner with their family this evening. Erin and Ryan were also able to join us at Red Robin (of course) for an evening out. Heather, Nate, Phil, Jen, and little Ashley all came out so I could have one last Banzai Burger in Illinois. It was pretty spectacular! I will most definitely miss my friends here.

Tomorrow, I finish packing, run a few last errands and head down I-88 towards Iowa. My tentative plan looks something like this:

Day 1: to Pella, Iowa.
Day 2: Pella to Orange City, Iowa.
Day 3: Orange City to Rapid City, South Dakota (I wanted to camp here, but I got a hotel since the campgrounds are not open for the summer yet).
Day 4: Rapid City to Bozeman, Montana.
Day 5: Bozeman to (hopefully) Seattle, Washington.
Day 6 or 7: Make my way up to Bellingham, Washington.

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