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Friday, June 22, 2007

i didn't mean to

I recently heard someone use the phrase, "I didn't mean to..." Broken legs, broken dishes, hurtful words, bad business decisions, or poor judgments of character all contribute to that sinking horrible feeling that we did something wrong. As horrible as we make mistakes sometimes, I feel quite strongly that circumstances occur for a reason and, for better or worse, contribute to a much greater story of life. God can instantly reconcile our "I didn't mean to's" into a greater purpose for our life.

So, we make poor decisions and mistakes due to our human sinful self, but we are not stuck in that sinking horrible feeling forever! We live, learn, and move on from each experience; good or bad, with a new perspective on how to approach a similar situation later.

"We ask God: 'Where are you taking me? Where is the path?' And he...doesn't tell us. Oh, he may give us a hint or two, but that's all. If he did, would we understand? Would we comprehend our location? So, rather than give us an answer, Jesus gives us himself."
-- Max Lucado's, Traveling Light --

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