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Monday, August 13, 2007

blackberry bushes

The great part of blackberry season is that all sorts of berries are in various stages of ripening, so there are always some fruity morsels to pick off the vines. The unfortunate part of blackberry season are the thorny vines and when I finally spot the juiciest plumpest morsel, it is inevitably just barely out of reach!

I feel as though I am doing a service to the community in two ways by picking these tasty treats: First, blackberries are a non-native Washington plant, so by picking their fruit, I am preventing those seeds from spreading, and second, I am saving a few cars from ending up with juicy purple bird poop all over their windshields and rooftops. So, today, after running some errands, I took a small bag up the hill to the trail behind the apartment complex and found some ripe blackberries begging to be picked.

Aunt Faye made some tremendous blackberry cobbler the other day, so I thought I'd try my hand at it. Hers turned out much better, but mine was quite delightful as well; and it always feels good to indulge in something I worked to make, even if I have scratches on my legs and arms and a potential stomach ache from eating more fresh berries than I should!


Anonymous said...

You're killing me, Andrea. Now I'M going to move out there, too.

Nana said...

I've enjoyed reading about your adventurous summer - I can relate to the blackberry bushes as well, since my brother lives in Falls City. Visiting them one August I picked blackberries and enjoyed the succulent berry. They view it more like a weed since it really takes over everything and they have to keep cutting it back - they did not seem as excited about the blackberries as I did. I, too, enjoyed Vancouver the few times I've passed through - I noticed the park and wished we had more time to linger, but it always seems like we're on our way elsewhere.
Sounds like you have an exciting winter coming up - when the snow comes I'll be reminded of you and praying all will be well.
Mrs. T