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Thursday, August 16, 2007

life's fair

I went to the Northwest Washington State Fair today. I used to go as a kid and had a fabulous time seeing the animals, eating fair food, and trying to ride the rides. This time I observed more, and watched my cousin's children excitedly stray towards the bright colors and fanciful rides.

We had a nice evening watching the scenes, smelling fair food, walking around a few barns and weaving between people. I enjoyed seeing the goats, sheep, pigs, cows, and horses

It's certainly a different level of involvement now than when I was younger. Back then I was scared to walk through the animal barns in case a cow or horse bucked their legs up, or I stepped in any sort of animal-doo. Then the fair was about the rides and the social drama that transpired there. Now, I look at the rides and think I must have been very taken by the colors and novelty of such attractions, or they weren't nearly so rustic and decrepit as they looked to me today (not to say they are not still a lot of fun). I took a ride on the classic ferris wheel. I had a fantastic evening out.

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